Dyson Video Services ~ MOBILE 07783 303899

PDF Manuals

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Some of the products include a free written manual. These tend to be no longer printed but are available in .PDF format. This means that they can be easily updated and distributed. Although easy to use you might not get all the features without a manual. The ones listed below are all for Bogart software and, as such, are extremely similar to the B4W versions of the software. As new B4W manuals are produced they will be added to the list but most of the current manuals will provide a guide to get you going in the right direction.

To read or print the downloaded manual, a version of the "
Acrobat Reader" is required, which also can be downloaded from the link marked below.

Click here to access the (German) Macro System complete manual download page

which includes Bogart and Bogart 4 Windows versions in German first so

scroll down the page for English, French and Dutch.

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